At Millfield, we want to make sure that you feel looked after, safe and happy when you are in and out of school.
Sometimes we don’t know if something bad is happening, so you need to tell us.
The information on this page will tell you how we try and keep you safe, and what you can do if you think someone is hurting you or someone else.
We help you by:
- Teaching you what safeguarding is through our curriculum
- Teaching you what to do if you feel worried or scared
- Making sure you know who you can speak to if you are worried.
If you do not understand something or have any questions about what you read, please speak to your teacher for help.
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding refers to all the things we do to make sure you are kept safe from any harm.
Safeguarding means that staff will:
- Protect you from harm
- Make sure that nothing stops you being healthy or developing properly
- Make sure that you are looked after
- Make sure that you have the best life chances and can grow up happy and successfully
We will make sure the school is friendly and welcoming. We will ensure you are offered support, if you are finding anything tricky.
We want to make sure that you know who to ask for help, and we will plan lessons to help you know how to look after yourself t school, at home, in the community and online.
Online Safety
Internet safety is an important part of keeping children safe and we have lots of measures in place which keep an eye on what you do and how you interact online at school.
Computers, tablets and mobile phones help us all share things and talk to family or friends. However, they can also make it easier for bullies and other people to hurt you, get close to you or to make you do something that is wrong. It is important to know how to keep yourself safe on your computer or devices and on websites and we will teach you about this. Our E-Safety Champions can also support you (they wear purple t-shirts and always welcome talking to you about any aspect of being safe online)
The school will help if you are sent unkind messages or if someone on the internet has asked you to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you are unhappy with any comments or photographs you have seen on your computer or mobile device, you can tell any member of staff.
We have an online safety policy and acceptable use agreements to help protect you.
Our Safeguarding Team
These are the adults who are responsible for safeguarding you and you can speak to them at any time about any worries.
Worried about your emotions or mental health
We are committed to ensuring you fell supported and happy. Talking about emotions or when something is worrying you or making you feel anxious is really important and Mrs Joyce and Mrs Cope are specially trained in helping children with their emotions. You can ask to talk to them at any time.
Where to Get Help Outside of School
We know that at times you may need help when the school is closed. The following links will take you directly to people who can help you.
Leicestershire Social Care Tel: 0116 3050005