Year 5

Summer Term 2024 Overview

Long Term Plan

Subject Autumn Spring Summer 
English (Novels studied) Hotel Valhalla  War Horse George’s Secret Key to the Universe  Journey to the River Sea Precious and the Zebra Necklace  The Fox and the Ghost King 
Maths (White Rose units) Place value Number: addition and subtraction Statistics Multiplication and division Measurement: Perimeter and area Multiplication and division Fractions Decimals and percentages Decimals Geometry: properties of shape Geometry: Position and direction Measurement: converting units Measurement: volume 
Science Properties of materials  Forces Earth and space  Living Things   Animals including Humans  RSE 
History The Vikings and Anglo-Saxons World War I Local History: Richard III 
Geography Rivers (Thames)  European union (mountain ranges) The water cycle Africa (Botswana)  
Computing Graphical modelling Coding Online Safety Computer games design Spreadsheets Database 
Music Pulse: compose bars with steady pulse  Voice: follow a graphic notation, sing independently Rhythm: vary arrangement, structure to perform rehearsed piece  Pitch: minimalism composing Music Technology: compose to a set structure  20th Century Music: imitate different styles 
Art Sculpture: Norse gods   Textiles / Collage: Landscapes and tie-dye  Print: futuristic life drawings 
Design & Technology Food: Nutrition diets Electrical systems: complex switches and circuits  Structures: Frame structures  
PSHCE Relationships Education Myself and My Relationships – Beginning and Belonging  Relationships Education Myself and My Relationships – My Emotions  Relationships Education Citizenship – Working together  Relationships Education Citizenship – Diversity and Communities  Health Education Healthy and safer lifestyles – Healthy lifestyles  Relationships and Health Education Healthy and Safer lifestyles – RSE  
RE Why do some people think God exists? Christian, Hindu, and non-religious people (Humanist)               If Gods is everywhere, why go to a place of worship? Christian, Sikh, Hindu and non-religious people (Humanist)  What would Jesus do? (Can we live by the values of Jesus in the twenty-first century?) Christians. What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today? Muslims 
PE Gym Rolling & Sliding / Wheeling / Jumps   Net/Wall Games  Dance  Aboriginal/Haka  Invasion Games  (netball)  Dance Dream Catcher Invasion Games Team Play (netball)  Gym Sequences / Partner Balances  OAA Physical Challenges / Orienteering  Indoor Athletics  Striking/Fielding (rounders)  Dance Jive/Charleston  Athletics   
MFL Fruit and Vegetables  Umbers in multiples of 10 to 100 Directions  Transport and getting around Places of Interest  Famous artists  
Safeguarding British Values: law of the land and religious law. Dictatorships  Diverse relationships: arranged and forced marriage Gang Culture: Leaving a gang, resisting gang culture Extremism & radicalization: religion and extremism, how oppose extremist views 

To get in contact with the Year 5 representatives email: [email protected]