Relationship, Health & Sex Education at Millfield LEAD Academy
Our RHSE curriculum is built on the Cambridge Scheme of work and is progressive from Year 1 to Year 6 and compliments our science curriculum. We deliver RSHE in line with the Equalities Act and Public Sector Equality Duty to ensure those with protected characteristics do not face discrimination. In complying with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, we value diversity, encourage respect for all and promote tolerance for, and celebration of, difference. We do not discriminate against pupils because of any protected characteristic (age, sex, race, disability, religion or belief, or sexual orientation).
There are many different faith and cultural perspectives on aspects of RSHE. We aim to deliver RSHE in a factual, non-judgemental way, ensuring that teachers do not promote one faith or cultural viewpoint, but rather provide a balanced approach that acknowledges the wealth of views and opinions of our diverse community and teaches tolerance.
A range of different families and relationships will be explored within RSHE. All children whatever their identity, developing identity, or family background need to feel that RSHE is relevant to them and sensitive to their needs.
We want all children to grow up happy, healthy and safe, and to protect them with the knowledge they need to manage the opportunities and challenges of modern Britain. This includes knowing about and showing tolerance for all types of families.
The approach to the teaching of this subject matter is rooted in education, rather than beliefs or emotion. Our curriculum below shows what we teach in each year group. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from the non-statutory aspects of RSE (which is shown in green on the curriculum map). All other areas are statutory and children cannot be withdrawn from these (Relationship Education or Health Education).